Sunday, November 26, 2017

A Superhero Movie with Eye Candy for All

Growing up I didn't read a lot of comic books, I was more into Nancy DrewThe Black Stallion and then couldn't get enough of Stephen King. I knew who most of the main superheros were but didn't know the difference between DC Comics & Marvel. I'm well aware this statement just made comic aficionados cringe, but honestly when I was growing up there wasn't a lot of focus on female superheros other than making them look hot. There was Wonder Woman & Supergirl but they never did much for me as far as inspiration goes. With that, let's jump ahead to the present where DC Comics & Marvel are raking in cash because they've managed to take what was on the pages of a comic book bring all that excitement to the big screen. It appears the public loves superheros, combined with great CGI and taking on all the evil that threatens our world, it's a formula for success.

The latest DC Comics has to offer is Justice League which I watched last night. See, my son wanted to go with his friends and see Pixar's Coco which I wasn't in the mood for. So I ended up at Justice League. At first I thought it would be weird going to a movie by myself, but I saw plenty of other grown-ups doing the same thing. Phew! The movie started to roll. Overall I was entertained and it kept my attention, 98% of the time. Was it the best superhero movie, no. Did it have some good parts, yes. Would I recommend it, maybe.

Here are the three best things about the movie: 1. Superman without his shirt on, 2. Aquaman without his shirt on, and 3. Wonder Woman.

Ok, the fight scenes were fun. The one-liners were decent. But there were parts I had issues with. True DC fans, please chime in since I'm not as well versed on how the characters were truly written. I thought they could have done more character development for Cyborg, I liked the actor they cast in the role, Ray Fisher, but explaining how he got to where he is was limited. I know only a short amount of time can be aloted when introducing characters, but it seemed too short. The major disappointment for me was The Flash. Maybe I've been spoiled by watching the CW's series The Flash and have enjoyed their character development and the fact that the series didn't turn him into an uber-dweeb (for lack of better words) like the movie did. Basically he was the comedic relief and that's not the character I'm used to seeing. I did however love the Stephen King reference to Pet Sematary he made when bringing Superman back to life. But my big hang-up with The Flash was his running form. I know that sounds really nit-picky but if you've ever run, especially if you were a sprinter on a track and field team, you were hounded about your running form. IMHO there is no way that The Flash could run fast with the form he had, it's horrible. 

While I'm still on the fence about Ben Affleck's portrayal of Batman, but I do like that they gave Wonder Woman a good amount of screen time. I like the concept of each team member having to work together to win, that none of them could win alone. Overall there was more good than bad from an entertainment perspective. It's PG-13 due to the violence aspect, not a lot of profanity or blood and gore, making it an ok family movie. Do you have to see it on the big screen, up to you. An HDTV would do it justice (pun intended) and let's be honest, nothing beats being able to pause a movie when you have to pee.

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