Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tabata - Ciabatta; There's a Difference?

Tabata? Ciabatta? Am I just making up rhyming words on a Saturday morning because I have a few moments of spare time to myself? One might think this to be true but there's "alatta" difference (I couldn't help it, just had to write it) between the two.

Ciabatta is a flat, open textured Italian bread made with wheat flour and olive oil and is often used in making Paninis.

Tabata is a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) developed by a Japanese professor in the late '90s.

While both words are fun to say, Tabata is what we'll be discussing here today. I had the "pleasure" of taking my first Tabata class yesterday. I had Friday off, wanted to get my workout in and said, "I'm going to try something new." Tabata is a hot word that has been cropping up in the exercise  world for a while now. The word pleasure is in quotes because while you're actually taking class, it's pretty...well let's just say I was sweating and breathing heavy (and not in a prank phone call kind of way). As I'm trying not to drop my weights from exhaustion I'm trying to figure out what's the difference between this and HIIT. Both have interval / rest periods. Both can involve cardio and strength exercises, so why call Tabata out?

The difference between the two comes down to the rest period; HIIT's rest periods are the same or longer than the exercise  interval. Tabata the rest periods are shorter than the exercise interval. For example, the class  I took had a 1:30 exercise interval followed by a 45 second rest period. When I do HIIT on the treadmill I traditionally sprint for a minute followed by a 1:30-2 minute rest period, making sure my heart rate comes down significantly.

Which is better? I haven't plowed through the literature comparing the two, but there are studies that show HIIT is better at burning fat than steady state cardio due to EPOC or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, also know as after burn. In addition, interval training reduces cortisol levels (fight-or-flight / stress hormone) by allowing the body to produce HGH (human growth hormones) and endorphins during the recovery periods.

So, if you're looking for a HIIT type exercise class to raise your heart rate, strengthen your muscles and provide a variety of movements, give Tabata a try.

If there are any fitness goals I can help you achieve, please let me know.

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