Sunday, February 23, 2014

Protein Pancakes - Attempt 2 you know my son likes for me to cook pancakes on the weekend, which I'm good with. I cook extra and they make an easy, hot breakfast during the school week. This week though I had no milk in the house and I didn't feel like going to the neighborhood Country Fair to pick up a gallon in my PJs. So off to the internet I go to find a gluten free, no milk needed pancake recipe that sounded halfway decent to eat. The recipe I decided on was one from Muscle & Fitness Magazine - Protein Pancakes. You're probably thinking, "Muscle & Fitness, that's that magazine for the monster sized body builders." And you're right, it is focused on body building, but an integral part of weightlifting is diet.  So I reviewed the ingredients, had them all, but  realized it would take a bit longer to prepare than other pancake mixes, it being the weekend decided, what the heck, let's go with it.

1 c. Oats (or other grain) -->  used 1 c. Steel Cut Oats   
2  Whole Eggs
5  Egg Whites
2 Scoops  Protein Powder --> used Wegman's brand Vanilla whey protein     
1  Banana (sliced) --> overripe so it's nice and sweet     
1 Cup  Berries --> took a cup of mixed frozen berries and defrosted 
2 tbsp  Peanut Butter --> used Wegman's all natural     
Dash  Cinnamon (to taste)
2 tbsp  Coconut Oil --> skipped this all together 

Pan --> used an electric griddle coated w/non-stick spray set to 350
Steel Cut Oats
  1. Cook the oats as directed: Steel cut oats take 20-30 minutes to cook (see picture of uncooked oats below) and have a consistency a bit thicker than grits, but same mild oatmeal taste
  2. Add the eggs and egg whites and beat.
  3. Toss in protein, banana, berries, and peanut butter and stir.
  4. Shake some cinnamon over the mixture; add sweetener if you prefer: chose not to add sweetener, figured the fruit would add a natural sweetness and if needed, the syrup would too.
  5. Heat pan with coconut oil OR heat up electric griddle
  6. Spoon in the mixture a little at a time to make silver dollar-size pancakes: if you choose to make the pancakes larger, make sure you have a large spatula to flip them with.
  7. Flip when bubbles appear on the surface.
Verdict - they were good. Don't expect them to rise and be fluffy, they are a thinner pancake, not crepe-like, but thinner. They are not ultra-sweet, but just enough. Again, if you like more sweetness, add extra banana, sugar, sweetener or syrup, depending on your dietary needs. I was filled up after about three, remember whole grains will do that for you and best of all, my son went up for seconds.
So, if you don't mind a little extra work preparing the oats and separating eggs, these are worth trying.

Protein Pancakes


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