Sunday, January 12, 2014

Protein Pancakes, An Experiment

My kid loves pancakes in the morning, more than waffles, cereal and eggs. He'll eat them with chocolate chips, blueberries but mostly just plain. In the past months we've gone from Bisquick and other instant pancake mixes to gluten free pancake mixes, so I can have a couple from time to time. I'm still experimenting to try and find the one I like best that isn't filled with sugar and other crap. Why switch if you're still going to be putting junk into your body?

One thing my kid doesn't crave is meat. He'll eat it but prefers to gobble down fruits and veggies. Not a bad thing except needing to make sure he gets enough protein in his diet. He likes yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, milk which are all good sources of protein and calcium. But is it enough? So the protein pancake experiment comes into play. Today when making pancakes decided to add chocolate whey protein powder. Sold him on the idea of eating chocolate pancakes.

Mixed up the gluten free mix according to directions and added two scoops of Legion Whey+, an ALL NATURAL whey protein mix. The batter changed to a light brown in color but the consistency remained the same. Heated up the griddle and slapped the batter on. The cooking time was not affected, they turned a nice golden brown when finished.

The verdict (me): I liked the flavor, not too chocolaty, not too sweet, not bitter, consistency was the same, it worked for me. However I don't like sweet pancakes in general and often eat mine w/o syrup. 

The verdict (son): "Mom, what did you put in the pancakes, I thought they were going to be chocolate?" LOL, he was looking for a sweeter version, what kid doesn't? He ate them w/o complaint but asked me not to make them again after we're done with this batch.

Overall, can't consider it a total failure, but it's back to the drawing board on protein pancakes.

Have you made protein pancakes? Were they good or totally stunk? Share your experiences and recipes, would love to hear.

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