Thursday, October 19, 2017

Are Gordon Ramsay's Scrambled Eggs All That?

Years ago I went through a phase where I watched a lot of shows from the BBC. I came across this British chef called Gordon Ramsay and watching him just made me chuckle. Why? It was very evident he knew his stuff & it was his love of profanity. Yup, the guy swears more than a trucker / sailor / ticked off mama, his favorite word seemed to be the f-bomb. Heck, he even has a TV show called "The F Word." Once you get past the profanity, the content of what he was saying was spot on! If you're looking for truth, he's your man. Not the sugar-coated version of the truth that's prevalent across our society, the truth we say so we don't hurt someone's feelings, it's the very brutal, pointed truth that makes you cry. The kind of truth that once you get over being insulted, you realize you can actually learn something and improve yourself, kind of truth. Hard to come by these days. But I digress...

Chef Ramsay has become well-known state-side from shows like Hell's Kitchen & MasterChef. Yes, he swears, the network just bleeps it out. Lately my son and I have taken to watching MasterChef together. We discuss what the contestants are cooking, would we ever eat the food and of course, Chef Ramsay's profanity. My son, not unlike me, finds it amusing. Anyway, while we're watching, one of the challenges was to cook scrambled eggs a la Ramsay. I said, "I could do that" and he said, "I would eat that." Challenge accepted!

I had all the ingredients (eggs, butter, salt, pepper) except creme fraiche, which was easy to find. I normally use a frying pan, this time I used a pot. I normally scramble my eggs and add milk before applying heat, this time the butter and eggs went in the pot unscrambled. I usually use a whisk, I used a spatula. The biggest difference was moving the eggs on and off the burner. I accomplished that without dropping the whole darn pot on my foot. Win! At the end put in the salt, pepper and creme fraiche, then plated. Please keep in mind that it was 6:00 AM and I didn't add the fancy garnishes, like dill he suggested. I did manage to make cinnamon toast for my son.

Well, if you're looking for dry, hard scrambled eggs, these are NOT for you. They're absolutely not runny, but they are soft and creamy. Not what you usually find at diners. Verdict: Jacob liked them, but wished they weren't so soft. He said he liked mine better. Brownie points earned. I on the other hand loved them. They were light and creamy. Definitely a winner with me. We're going to try them again, I may use less butter or more eggs to try and get them a smidge firmer for the boy. If you're looking to wow your family and friends at brunch, this could do the trick.

Feel free to share and comment away. What's the best scrambled egg recipe you've every made?

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