Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Beginning of It All - Can You Relate?

The alarm goes off, you drag your butt out of bed to the bathroom, look in the mirror and are disgusted by what you see. You rush to get ready because that's less time you have to look at yourself in the mirror. You're out with friends and they want to take pictures, you volunteer to be the one behind the camera so you don't have to be in the shot. You hide every chance you get.
This mentality carried into every aspect of my life and in many situations turned into fear of taking chances on anything. I played it safe at work for fear of upsetting someone. I never wanted to do anything with my child for fear they wouldn't want to or get bored while trying it. I played it safe while dating, never really opening up for fear they wouldn't like me. All because I didn't like the way I looked and they way I felt. Life really sucked at this point to be quite honest. Thank heavens I realized I had to do something about it, that it would never magically change all by itself. I was setting a bad example for my son and I'm sure I wasn't very pleasant to be around either.
About a year ago I joined Best Fitness - Erie and little did I know I was beginning my Fitness Journey. I'll be honest with you, I'm 5'6" and at the time we're talking above, I was at 175 lbs and 35% body fat. I gained all of it during my pregnancy. Keep in mind, my kid is now 8 years old, I can't call it "baby fat" any more, LOL, it's just fat. I started off going to Best a couple times a week and walking on the treadmill, thinking that something would happen. Who was I fooling? Not a damn thing changed. I realized I could continue doing very little or I could invest in ME for the sake of me and my son, so he could grow up with a healthy Mom. I made the investment and decided to work with a personal trainer. I met with Michael Colegrande from Best and said if I do this, you're going to have to get me someone that won't put up with any BS that I give him and that will push me. Michael introduced me to Doug Grieshaber and let me just say, I got what I asked for lock stock and barrel.


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