Sunday, February 19, 2017

Review: Drinking Tree Juice?

I like to try new things and am always browsing the "different" drink section seeing what is on the market. On my last trip to the store ran across Drink Maple, a natural electrolyte beverage. So I picked it up and read the ingredients, there was one: Organic Maple Water. It wasn't filled with sugar, it has no artificial colors or chemicals and who doesn't like maple flavor? This was great news since I'm always looking for a Gatorade replacement for my son. Plopped it in my cart and was on my way.

Later that night my son and I decided to crack it open. He was skeptical asked what maple water was and took a big swig. I was hoping he would think it tastes like pancakes, at least that'd the preconceived notion I had. Unfortunately, he was not impressed. He took another sip but it didn't get any better for him. My turn. Definitely had the consistency of water. Was not too sweet and had the distinct taste of maple, but wasn't overwhelming. I liked it, but probably wouldn't buy it again. That's just our preference. If you love all things maple, you NEED to try this.

In reading more about the company it was founded by two triathletes, Kate Weiler & Jeff Rose looking for a better product to use. In addition, each bottle sold will supply 200 gallons of clean water to individuals in developing nations wrought with drought and disease. Very cool of the company to do this.

Bottomline, as long as you like or love maple and are looking for an alternative beverage that isn't filled with crap ingredients, I'd give this one a try. What are some of your electrolyte replacement favorites?

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